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Season 6, episode 5 (Production order); Episode 136 (Overall)

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"Werepapas" is a season 6 episode of the series Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. Based on the series' production order specifically, "Werepapas" is the 5th written and produced episode of season 6. It is also the 136th written and produced episode of the series overall.


When Adrien gets nervous about meeting his grandparents, Marinette gatecrashes the lunch to support him… unaware that a family war is about to break out.[4]

TV Guide

Realizing that Adrien is about to meet his grandparents for the first time and is completely nervous about it, Marinette decides to crash the meeting to give him her support completely unaware that a big family war is about to break out.[5]


Major Characters

Minor Characters


  • On April 19, 2024, Thomas Astruc shared that he was working on the storyboard for the episode.[6]
  • Ladybug's transformation has been fully reanimated with an addition of a hair changing scene during the transformation.
    • The background during the end of transformation has changed.
    • When her miraculous is activated there's a new effect added that looks like ladybug wings opened.
    • The transformation music of Seasons 1, 2 and 3 has been reused after "Miraculous London", but it's more arranged.
  • This episode's title is similar to "Penalteam", as they are called after a group created by the episode's main villain, and not the villain themselves.
  • More information about Adrien and his family are revealed:
    • Because of her bad relationship with her parents (mainly her father), Émilie never allowed Adrien to meet them. Meanwhile, Gabriel never mentioned his parents to Adrien.
    • Due to Émilie's illness for using the damaged Peacock Miraculous, Gabriel and Nathalie would travel a lot around the world searching for the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses, the only jewels with the magic necessary to heal her. Also, because of that, Adrien was mostly homeschooled and kept at home in order to keep her company.
    • The Agreste mansion used to belong to Émilie's parents, being their house in Paris.
    • The Graham de Vanily are confirmed to be a family with dual nationality, belonging to both the Kingdom of England and the former Kingdom of France.
      • That dual nationality is symbolized by the Twin Rings.
      • Emil Graham de Vanily is also known as the Duke of Westchester.
    • Apparently, Emil Graham de Vanily offered money to the Grassettes 16/17 years ago, most likely as a way to force them not to have any contact with his family, after Gabriel and Émilie got married.
      • This could be one of the reasons why Gabriel never mentioned them to Adrien, among others.
  • Because Ladybug broke the Graham de Vanily Twin Rings to release the ultrakuma, but no amok got out, there is discussion to whether or not those (or at least one) were the real twin rings.
    • As shown in the episodes "Feast" and "Ladybug", destroyed sentimonsters do not get repaired by the effect of the Miraculous Ladybug. Meaning that in this episode, Adrien did not evaporate off screen.
      • Very similiar situations are shown to us in the episodes Feast and Werepapas, in that the Dormant Sentimonster's amokized and akumatized object gets destroyed, it evaporates, the Amok and Akuma fly out at the same time (which does not happen with the Double Rings), Ladybug activates her Miraculous Ladybug restoration effect and the sentimonster does not return, despite being part of the damage caused.
    • However, it has been showed that slight damages to an amokized object is enough to release an amok, as seen "Reflekdoll" and "Guiltrip" where the amokized object was only damaged slightly and not completely broken, but that was enough to release the amok in them.
      • In "Representation", it was showed that Colt Fathom once damaged the ring containing his son's amok, but the latter didn't disappeared and the ring was then fixed afterwards.
        • This implies that, possibly depending on the complexity of the sentimonster, the amok may take sometime to be released from the amokized object when damaged/broken. This is supported by the fact that any emotionally intelligent sentimonster never had their amokized object broken, but rather had their amok removed by a holder of the Peacock Miraculous.
        • If so, then, if an amokized object is fixed before the amok is released, it's possible to conserve the sentimonster.
    • It is later confirmed by Thomas Astruc that there are two factors that may have influenced the delay at the exit of amok in the Twin Rings.
      • The first one is the intention, which plays a part in the Miraculous rules[7]. This means that Ladybug's intention to only release the ultrakuma in the rings has caused the latter to get out immediately after she broke the rings. However, because intentions only play a part, it's likely that the amok would have exited as well, if Ladybug hadn't been able to fix the rings, hence why Ladybug's relief after seeing Adrien was fine when he was freed from the trophy.
      • The second one is the time the amok has been in the object[8]. This means that, the longer an amok is inside an object, the longer it will take for it to be released (if it is not intended by the one that breaks the object).
        • In the case of Master Fu's sentimonster, despite it had been around for 172 years, because Cat Noir intended to free its amok and akuma, they immediately came out, despite the fact the former has been in the staff for a long time.
  • Ladybug breaking the Twin Rings and then repairing it before the amok can exit and worrying about what it did to Adrien can be a reference to the Schrödinger's cat, an experiment of quantum superposition where a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead, while it is unobserved in a closed box. After she broke the Twin Rings, Ladybug didn't know if Adrien's existence was affected, despite the fact she fixed the rings before the amok was released up until the moment she saw him alive.
  • This episode mirrors "Weredad", sharing with it some aspects, but in reverse:
    • In both episodes, a family member of Marinette and Adrien is akumatized, with Tom (Marinette's father) being akumatized in Weredad in the titular episode and Milly (Adrien's grandmother) being akumatized into Ringmaster in this episode.
    • Both Marinette and Adrien are held hostages by the akumatized villain, forcing the other, in their superhero form, to rescue them.
      • However, unlike in "Weredad", where Marinette was able to rescue herself and de-akumatize her father, Adrien was unable to do anything to help.
        • In truth, Adrien would have been able to escape if he transformed, though didn't because he risked his identity being discovered (which would be even more problematic due to his nature as a sentibeing). Furthermore, unlike Marinette, he didn't have the luck to be caged with the akumatized object.
    • Both episodes had werewolves in them, with Tom being a werewolf-themed supervillain in "Weredad", while Emil and Johnny were turned into werewolves by Ringmaster and forced to fight one another.
    • It also bears resemblance to "Dearest Family", where family members argue over what's best for the main character.
  • This marks the third time Plagg's love of cheese nearly exposed him or got him in trouble, after "Rogercop", and "Kwamibuster."
    • This is also the second time a kwami goes on a crazy eating spree, after Tikki in "Dearest Family".
  • Nathalie becoming Adrien's legal guardian, something that happened in "Miraculous London", is again addressed, with it now being recognized, not only by Adrien, but also by all of his grandparents.
  • This is the fourth time where Marinette crashes an Agreste family-related event she wasn't invited to, following "Party Crasher", "Gabriel Agreste" and "Emotion".
    • Unlike those times, the hosts (Adrien and Nathalie) knew and agreed for Marinette to be there, unlike the previous times.
    • The reason she crashed all of these events was to be there with/for Adrien.
    • Like previous times, she wears something over/other than her normal outfit, tough this time its more to act as a formal waitress than to hide her identity.
  • This episode breaks the record in "Re-creation" for the most Lucky Charm objects summoned by Ladybug, with a total of six.
    • One of them, the teapot, appears for the third time, following "Sapotis" and "Oblivio".


  • The picture of Gabriel and Adrien in their black clothes representing their grief over Émilie's death can be seen in the post-credit flashback, despite the fact Gabriel still has brown hair and that Émilie was still yet to fall into her slumber.
  • Sabine says that Adrien is Marinette's first boyfriend, when her first boyfriend was actually Luka.
  • During the battle, Ladybug summons multiple Lucky Charms despite not using the titular phrase.
    • Perhaps, this is due to that Miraculous powers can potentially be activated through intention alone (only for adult holders and the holders overriding the security system) , as demonstrated by Monarch activating powers like Venom and Voyage without using the respective magic words in "Re-creation". Similarly, Claw Noir's ability to use Cataclysm multiple times without verbally invoking it in "Miraculous Paris".
  • When releasing the purified butterfly, the butterfly does not glow white.
  • In the Miraculous Ladybug sequence, the ground does not have the black spotted pattern.
  • Right near the end of the episode, Marinette's hand glitching through the door can be seen for a brief second as she opens the door for Nathalie.


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ve Episodes
Season 1
101 Stormy Weather102 The Evillustrator103 Lady Wifi104 Princess Fragrance105 Dark Cupid106 Mr. Pigeon107 Pixelator108 Copycat109 The Bubbler110 Simon Says111 Rogercop112 Gamer113 Animan114 Darkblade115 Pharaoh116 Timebreaker117 Horrificator118 The Puppeteer119 The Mime120 Guitar Villain121 Reflekta122 Ladybug & Cat Noir (Origins - Part 1)123 Stoneheart (Origins - Part 2)124 Antibug125 Kung Food126 Volpina
Season 2
201 The Collector202 Prime Queen203 Glaciator204 Despair Bear205 Troublemaker206 Gigantitan207 Riposte208 Befana209 Frightningale210 Gorizilla211 Robostus212 Sapotis213 The Dark Owl214 Syren215 Zombizou216 Captain Hardrock217 Frozer218 Style Queen (Queen's Battle - Part 1)219 Queen Wasp (Queen's Battle - Part 2)220 Reverser221 Anansi222 Malediktator223 Sandboy224 Catalyst (Heroes' Day - Part 1)225 Mayura (Heroes' Day - Part 2)226 Santa Claws
Season 3
301 Chameleon302 Animaestro303 Bakerix304 Backwarder305 Reflekdoll306 Weredad307 Silencer308 Oni-Chan309 Miraculer310 Oblivio311 Desperada312 Christmaster313 Startrain314 Kwamibuster315 Feast316 Gamer 2.0317 Stormy Weather 2318 Ikari Gozen319 Timetagger320 Party Crasher321 The Puppeteer 2322 Cat Blanc323 Félix324 Ladybug325 Heart Hunter (The Battle of the Miraculous - Part 1)326 Miracle Queen (The Battle of the Miraculous - Part 2)
Season 4
401 Truth402 Lies403 Gang of Secrets404 Mr. Pigeon 72405 Psycomedian406 Furious Fu407 Sole Crusher408 Queen Banana409 Gabriel Agreste410 Mega Leech411 Guiltrip412 Crocoduel413 Optigami414 Sentibubbler415 Glaciator 2416 Hack-San417 Rocketear418 Wishmaker419 Simpleman420 Qilin421 Dearest Family422 Ephemeral423 Kuro Neko424 Penalteam425 Risk (Shadow Moth's Final Attack - Part 1)426 Strikeback (Shadow Moth's Final Attack - Part 2)
Season 5
501 Evolution502 Multiplication503 Destruction504 Jubilation505 Illusion506 Determination507 Passion508 Reunion509 Elation510 Transmission (The Kwamis' Choice - Part 1)511 Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice - Part 2)512 Perfection513 Migration514 Derision515 Intuition516 Protection517 Adoration518 Emotion519 Pretension520 Revelation521 Confrontation522 Collusion523 Revolution524 Representation525 Conformation (The Final Day - Part 1)526 Re-creation (The Final Day - Part 2)527 Action
Season 6
601 Climatiqueen602 The Illustrhater603 Sublimation604 Daddycop605 Werepapas606 Sleeping Syren607 El Toro De Piedra608 Vampigami609 Mister Agreste610 The Dark Castle611 Revelator612 Wreckless Driver613 Yaksi Gozen614 Grendiaper615 The Ruler616 Noe617 A Fairy Good Night618 The Dirtifiers619 Riginarazione620 Heartfixer621 The Chained Titans622 Lady Chaos623 Sadnansi624 Queen of the Dreadzone625 Secret Protocol626 Nemesis
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Two Part Episodes
The Origins StoryQueen's BattleHeroes' DayThe Battle of the MiraculousShadow Moth's Final AttackThe Kwamis' ChoiceThe Final Day
Christmas specials
Santa ClawsChristmaster
Standalone specials
Miraculous World
Released Media
Miraculous New YorkMiraculous ShanghaiMiraculous ParisMiraculous LondonMiraculous Tokyo
Cancelled/Unknown Specials
Miraculous RioMiraculous DakarMiraculous: One Night MissionMiraculous & Ghostforce crossover
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie
Future movies
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie 2Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie 3
Cancelled/Unknown movies
Miraculous (live-action film)Miraculous Lady Bug
Miraculous Secrets
Marinette in ParisMarinette and FashionLadybug as seen by AdrienLadyblogAdrien's Double LifeMarinette and AlyaMarinette's Double LifeCat Noir as seen by MarinetteMy Birthday PartyMarinette and AdrienMaster FuTikkiPlaggFriendsNinoMaxMylèneRoseAlixSabrinaIvanGabrielNathaniel & MarcMarinette as seen by ChloéLilaHawk Moth and the Akumatized VillainsFamilyKagami as seen by MarinetteKagami as seen by AdrienLuka as seen by MarinetteNew PowersNew HeroesMayura and the SentimonstersChloé as seen by MarinetteNathalie as seen by GabrielFeelings
Tales from Paris
The NotebookInspirationRepetitionBusy DayHomework Essay
Miraculous Chibi
Rooftop DinnerCatnip FragranceThe ChaseCuriosity Kicked the CatCutest Cat FightFatal PosyScarybugPanic at the ParkThe Cake RaceGood Sports
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Released media
The Mini Menace LadybugLadybug PVFirst CGI promotional videosHappy Birthday to You!Ladybug (musical)Miraculous Ladybug (musical)Miraculous: The Ladybug ShowMiraculous Ladybug COVID-19 SpecialLadybug Saves ChristmasAction
Future media
Miraculous (live-action TV series)
Cancelled/Unknown media
List of unproduced episodes (Le GourmangeurGagotorLadybug in HalloweenMiraculous Ladybug OVA) • Miraculous LiveMiraculous LadyLion