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Miraculous Ladybug Wiki
Miraculous Ladybug Wiki

"We All Have the Right" is a song in "Santa Claws" that Cat Noir sings to Santa Claws, offering him a gift and promising to hand over the Miraculouses, while tricking him so that Ladybug can attack from within the offered gift.


Cat Noir:
Santa, you're the winner,
We stand down and surrender.
We fear you have defeated us,
So we give you our Miraculous.

But beforehand,
Here is a gift for you.
'Cause on Christmas,
Even you have a right to that, too.

Santa Claws (speaking):
A present? For me?

Hawk Moth (speaking):
Don't listen to him! It has to be a trap!

Cat Noir:
Rebel with a cause,
You give us so much fright!
We all have the right to a present
On Christmas night.

Cat Noir:
Pire Noël, cette fois, c'est réglé
On abandonne, t'as gagné
Personne pour venir à notre rescousse
On te donne nos Miraculous.

Mais avant ça
On a un cadeau pour toi
Car le soir de Noël,
Même toi y a droit

Santa Claws (speaking):
Un paquet? Pour moi?

Hawk Moth (speaking):
Ne l'écoute pas! C'est forcément un piège!

Cat Noir:
Tu nous fais si peur!
Tu es tellement cruel!
Mais on a besoin d'un cadeau
Le soir de Noël!

Cat Noir:
Santa Claws, this time, it's been set
We surrender, you have won
No one will come rescue us
We give you our Miraculous.

But before that
We have a gift for you
Because on Christmas Eve,
Even you have a right

Santa Claws (speaking):
A present? For me?

Hawk Moth (speaking):
Don't listen to him! It has to be a trap!

Cat Noir:
You scare us so much!
You are really cruel!
But everyone needs a gift
On Christmas Eve

Cat Noir:
Santa Clavos, has vencido
Ganaste, nos rendimos
Así que derrotados
Nuestros Prodigios te entregamos

Es Navidad,
Por eso para ti
Un presente hay también
Y lo tienes aquí

Santa Clavos (hablando):
¿Un regalo? ¿Para mí?

Lepidóptero (hablando):
¡No lo escuches! ¡Es una trampa!

Cat Noir:
Rebelde de cabo a rabo,
¡Aunque miedo nos das!
Un regalo has de tener
Porque es Navidad

Cat Noir:
Santa Claws, you've overcome
You've won, we surrender
So defeated
We give you our Miraculous

It's Christmas,
That is why for you
There's also a present
And you have it here

Santa Claws (speaking):
A present? For me?

Hawk Moth (speaking):
Don't listen to him! It's a trap!

Cat Noir:
Rebel from head to toe,
Even if you make us afraid!
You must have a present
Because it's Christmas

Gat Noir:
Papu Noel ara sí que estem d'acord.
Abandonem, has guanyat.
Et donem els nostres prodigis,
ningú ens ve a rescatar.

Però abans tenim
per a tu aquest regal.
Tu també hi tens dret,
avui és nit de Nadal.

Papu Noel (parlant):
Un paquet? Per a mi?

Esfinx (parlant):
No li facis cas! Segur que és una trampa!

Gat Noir:
Ens fas molta por.
Saps que ets molt cruel?
Però tots tenim dret a
un regal de nit de Nadal!

Cat Noir:
Santa Imp, we agree this time.
We surrender, you have won.
We give you our Miraculous,
no one is coming to rescue us.

But before that we have
a gift for you.
You also have the right
because tonight is Christmas Eve.

Santa Imp (speaking):
A present? For me?

Sphinx (speaking):
Don't listen to him! It has to be a trap!

Cat Noir:
You scare us very much.
Did you know you are very cruel?
But everyone has the right
to a Christmas Eve's present

Cat Noir:
Santa Atroz, venciste
Es tiempo de rendirse
Lograste derrotarnos
Toma ya nuestros Miraculous

Pero antes ten,
Un regalo te daré
Porque en Navidad
Hasta tú mereces eso tener

Santa Atroz (hablando):
¿Un regalo? ¿Para mí?

Hawk Moth (hablando):
¡No le creas! ¡Eso es una trampa!

Cat Noir:
Aunque traigas tú,
La infelicidad
Todos se merecen obsequios
Esta Navidad

Cat Noir:
Santa Atrocious, you have overcome
It's time to surrender
You managed to defeat us
Take now our Miraculous

But first have,
I'll give you a present
Because on Christmas
Even you deserve to have that

Santa Atrocious (speaking):
A present? For me?

Hawk Moth (speaking):
Don't believe him! That's a trap!

Cat Noir:
Even if you bring us, unhappiness
Everyone deserves gifts
This Christmas


  • The speaking parts between Santa Claws and Hawk Moth are removed in the iTunes version of the track.
  • The keys of the French and English versions are different; the French version is in the key of D, one whole step up from the English version (in C). The reason for the change is unknown.


Theme songs
It's LadybugMiraculous Theme (Christmas Version)
In-universe songs
Smelly WolfMarinette & the BakeryCat in the NightBrand New Day • The Boy That I Secretly LoveBad Santa ClawsWe All Have the RightMirockulousAndré's songGlaciator's songBefana's songI Love UnicornsBig BangSandboy's songLittle Kitty on a RoofFroggy's songSnapping My FingersSole Destroyer's Shoes' SongAdrien's Love SongYou don't need to skyrocketRose's RecordAnarka's RecordJuleka's RecordLuka's Record
Promotional songs
Here Comes LadybugLadybug PV SongLadybug 2D Trailer SongMiraculous - Lou and Lenni Kim music videoMiraculous music videoMy Christmas WishIt's Gonna Be a Miraculous ChristmasThe Wall Between UsHawk Moth's SongMiraculous - Aria Jin & Huang Xinchun music videoMy LadyOriana
Background music
In The RainThe Last Dance (Cat Noir's Broken Heart)
Movie songs
If I Believed in MeAlone AgainYou Are LadybugMy LadyChaos Will Reign TodayCourage in MeStronger TogetherReaching Out • Friends and Frenemies • Alone in the World • Since I've Met You • The Empty Heart Behind the Mask • Moment of Truth • The Legend of the Miraculous • Life in Paris • The Love of a Lifetime • Regrets and Secrets • Let Darkness Rise • Running Away • The Ring and the Cat • Who Saves a Life Saves the World • Tikki a Magical Encounter • The Ladybug Destiny • Stoneheart • Two Halves Are Stronger as a Whole • Secrets Between Friends • The Heist • Jardin des Tuileries • Rollercoasters! • The Akumas Attack • All Is Lost • The True Hero Is Behind the Mask • The Power of Love • The Opera Ball • Drop the Masks • Now I See