Miraculous Ladybug Wiki

Season 5 has finished airing globally, however, the wiki still does not allow sharing or discussing any leaked materials due to legal reasons.


Miraculous Ladybug Wiki
Miraculous Ladybug Wiki

Hello again fellow Miraculous fan-girls! This is Binng Watcher back for Part 2 of my butterfly miraculous theroy/rant thing about why Gabriel's Miraculous would be a butterfly. First a quick recap, in part one I basicly talked about the conections Gabriel had with the symbols of life, hope, endurence, and reserection which are all considered to be symbolised by the butterfly. If you want to read that post it's right HERE. In this post I will cover the butterflies symbols of renewal/rebirth, support in transitions, and finding joy in life. The butterfly also seems to be closely linked with insparation which as an artist is something Gabriel definetly has. Renewal and rebirth could just simply tie back into Gabriel wanting to reserect his wife  from part 1 or it could sybolise him becomeing a better person and being a more loving father to Adrien. I didn't really come up with much for this one. The next symbol of this post, however, has a bit more to it. Support in transitions, the butterfly is a great support animal and helps to lighten the load when going through diffecult times. After loseing his wife Gabriel is going through a strong emotional strugle reqiring him to call on the strength of the butterfly. And now like a good writer I've kept my best point for last, finding the joy in life. Now you might say, 'Binng Watcher, how could he posibly find joy in his life? his wife is dead and as a result he's distanced himself from everyone around him.' and to that I say 'true, but butterflies are ment to bring happyness back into others lives and to make you look at things in a different light, so isn't it posible that by being the holder of the butterfly Miraculous holder he may begin to see his life more positivley? For example he may have lost his wife, but he still has his son, his house, and his brand. He's lost someone he loved, but he still has his son and mabey he'll oneday come to realise how lucky he is to still have Adrien. That's why I think the creators of Miraculous were right to make his Miraculous a butterfly. 


Why Purple?

Purple makes perfect sence for Hawk Moth, but only if you take into considerasion what shade of purple. Hawk Moth wears a dark shineyer shade of purple. Dark purples are considered a symbol of sadness and frustration which deffinetly matches Hawk Moth being sad about his wife and frustrated that he can't defete Ladybug and Chat Noir. Haveing 'too much' purple is symbolic of iritability and impationce. Whereing an almost entirely purple suit seems like it would match having 'too much' purple and iritability and impationce are constantly shown by Hawk Moth when his akuma victoms stray from takeing Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. And finaly purple or violet gems (like the center of the butterfly brooch appers to be) are a symbol of imagination which might explain all the crazy ideas for the powers of his akuma victoms.

Purple and butterflies fit Gabriel/Hawk Moth really well and to that I say well done to the creators it seems like they really thought this through.

This is Binng Watcher signing off! 


butterfly cite

Purple Symbols
