This article is about the theme song. You may be looking for another Ladybug. |
"It's Ladybug" is the opening theme song of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir. A shortened version of the song plays at the beginning of every episode and an instrumental version of it plays during the end credits. This song is sometimes featured throughout the course of the show, other than the opening intro.
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
'Cause I have a secret.
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
'Cause I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
I live a life that's full of fun,
That keeps me sharp and on the run.
When evil comes, I find a way
To use my force and save the day.
Life's got me spinning 'round.
My feet are off the ground.
And when the sun goes down,
You better hang around!
It's Ladybug! Jumping above!
The power is on when things go wrong!
It's Ladybug, the lucky charm!
The magic is on, always so strong!
They look at me and think I'm cool.
I'm Cat Noir. At night I rule.
My ring is charged with energy.
My claws are out, just watch and see.
Oh no, you'll never know.
My force will only grow.
And when the moon is out,
You better hang around!
Chorus 2x
It's Ladybug, jumping above!
It's Ladybug, the lucky charm!
The magic is on, always so strong!
It's Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
'Cause I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Another day, I’m back at school
I think about him, he’s so cool
He looks at me, I look away
But does he see me anyway?
He’s got me spinning around
My feet are off the ground
And when the sun goes down,
That’s when I become…
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous, the luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Adrien (singing):
I am a cat, just chillin’ out
But in the night, she’s all I think about
I feel so strong when she’s around,
She picks me up when I am down
Oh no, you’ll never know
My love can only grow
And when I see her smile
That’s when she becomes…
Chorus 2x
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Adrien (simultaneously):
Miraculous, you are the best!
Miraculous, the luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
- Main article: Miraculous music video
Another day, I don't know why
He looks my way, and I get so shy
So insecure, oh, in myself
'Til someone says they need my help
Oh yeah they'll never know
'Cause I'm unstoppable
And when it's time to go
That's when I become...
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous, yeah I got this!
I've gotta confess, I feel so strong!
I'm watching him, he looks at me
We know our names, not our identities
He's super cool, he's pretty fast
And he knows how, how to make me laugh
He's got me spinning 'round
My feet are off the ground
And when it's time to go
That's when I become...
Chorus 3x
Third chorus harmony:
Miraculous, you are the best!
Spoken (by crush, music video only):
That was amazing. Do you know who she is?
The holidays are special times
For family and friends of mine
When evil tries to threaten us
That's when we become
Miraculous! Share it with us!
Joy in the world, nothing to fear!
Miraculous! The power of love!
The magic of Christmas time is here!
Marinette (speaking):
,بالنهار أكون مارينيت
.فتاة تعيش حياة عادية
,لكن هناك أمر لا أحد يعرفه
!لأن لدي سر
Marinette (singing):
!ميراكلوس, هي الأفضل
!وقت اللزوم، تنقذ اليوم
!ميراكلس, هي معها الحظ
!قوة الحب تساعدها
Marinette (speaking):
By day I am Marinette
A girl lives a normal life,
But there is something no one knows
Because I have a secret
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Is the best
When necessary, save the day
Miraculous! She's with her luck
The power of love helps her
Marinette (speaking):
През деня съм Маринет.
Обикновена момиче с нормален живот.
Но има нещо, което никой не знае за мен,
защото имам тайна.
Ето ги тях, тук са сега
Калинката и Котарака
Ето ги тях със чудеса
Силата в тях е тъй добра
Ето ги тях
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
An ordinary girl, with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows,
because I have a secret.
Here they are, they are here right now
The ladybug and the tom-cat
Here they are with miracles
The power inside them is so good
Here they are
Marinette (speaking):
През деня съм Маринет.
Обикновена момиче с нормален живот.
Но има нещо, което никой не знае за мен,
защото имам тайна.
Тук чудеса!
Правя сега!
Щом бъркотия тук изникне
Вълшебство аз
Правя и раз
Всички проблеми разрешавам
Тук чудеса!
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
An ordinary girl, with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows,
because I have a secret.
Miracles here!
I'm creating now!
As soon as mess arises here
Miracle I
I do now
I solve all the problems
Miracles here!
Marinette (speaking):
Marinette (singing)
正義能量 至大無上!
搏盡全力 凝聚景仰!
正義能量 精彩每天!
用愛做能量 極限衝破!
Marinette (speaking):
Marinette (speaking):
Em dic Marinette, una noia com les altres.
Però quan el destí em tria per lluitar contra les forces del mal,
em converteixo en Prodigiosa Ladybug!
És Ladybug, i ens porta sort.
El seu gran cor té molt poder!
És Ladybug, i ara ho veureu!
Mai més el mal podrà fer res!
És Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
My name is Marinette. A girl like the others.
But when fate chose me to fight the forces of evil,
I become, Miraculous Ladybug!
It's Ladybug, she brings us luck.
Her great heart has lots of power!
It's Ladybug, and now you'll see!
The evil can't do anything anymore!
It's Ladybug!
Marinette (singing):
Marinette (singing):
Oh oh oh
Life makes me go round and round.
Oh oh oh
I jumped off the ground.
Oh oh oh
When the sun goes down,
You better keep wandering!
Ladybug Reddy! Flying over the wall!
She will never fear when danger comes!
Ladybug Reddy is a lucky star!
She has powerful magic power!
Marinette (speaking):
不过 我的这个秘密
Marinette (singing)
有笑也有泪 勇敢闯!
希望与梦想 在启航!
Marinette (speaking):
My name is Marina
An ordinary girl living an ordinary life
Just like every girl I have my own secrets
But my secret is different
Marinette (singing)
Miracle energy, a girl blooms!
There are laughs, tears, and bravery!
Miracle energy, lucky light!
Hopes and dreams are setting sail!
Miracles bloom!
Marinette (speaking):
Danju ja sam Marinette,
obična djevojka koja vodi običan život.
No postoji nešto što nitko ne zna o meni,
ja imam tajnu.
Marinette (singing)
Miraculous! Spremna za let!
U nevolji se ne predaje!
Miraculous! Čudesan svijet!
Ljubav od zla tu jača je!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day I'm Marinette,
an ordinary girl who leads a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Ready to fly!
He does not give up in trouble!
Miraculous! Wonderful World!
The love of evil is stronger here!
Marinette (speaking):
Ve dne, jsem Marinette.
Normální holka, s normálním životem.
Ale něco o mě ještě nikdo neví.
Mám totiž tajemství.
Tajemná je, neskutečná!
Na zrcátku pět teček má!
Na vlastní pěst, ať zvládne test,
co dala jí láska všemocná!
Ona to dááá!
Marinette (speaking):
By day, I'm Marinette.
A normal girl with a normal life.
But something about me, yet nobody knows.
I have a secret.
She is secret, unreal!
On the mirror five dots has!
On her own, let her make test,
that gave her love powerful!
She'll make it!
Marinette (speaking):
Om dagen er jeg Marinette
Bare en normal pige med et normalt liv
Men der er noget ved mig som ingen kender til endnu
For jeg har en hemmelighed
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Hellig ekspres
Kampen er bedst når den er hel
Miraculous er i sit es
Det ligner næsten kærlighed
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime I'm Marinette
Just a normal girl with a normal life
But there is something about me that no one knows yet
Because I have a secret
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Holy express
The battle is best when it is complete
Miraculous is in her element
It almost looks like love
Marinette (speaking):
Overdag ben ik Marinette,
een heel gewoon meisje met een heel gewoon leven.
Maar er is iets met mij dat nog niemand weet,
want ik heb een geheim.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Steeds op hun best.
Bij elke test, iedere keer.
Miraculous! Ik voel me te gek!
De kracht van de liefde smaakt naar meer.
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime I'm Marinette,
a very normal girl with a very normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
because I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Always at their best.
At every test, all the time.
Miraculous! I feel awesome!
The power of love leaves me wanting more.
Marinette (speaking):
Mu nimi on Marinette
Ma olen täiesti tavaline tüdruk
Kuid mul on imeline saladus,
mida keegi ei tea...
Marinette (singing):
Imeline, ohtude ees!
Leiab ta ikka julguse
Imeline, on Miraculous see!
Kes alati aitab leida tee
Marinette (speaking):
My name is Marinette
I am a completely normal girl
But I have a wonderful secret,
what no one knows...
Marinette (singing):
Wonderful, in the face of dangers!
He still finds courage
Wonderful, is Miraculous it!
Who always helps to find the way
Marinette (speaking):
Päivisin, mä olen Marinette
Tavallinen tyttö ja tavallinen elämä
Mutta mussa on yksi asia, jota kukaan ei vielä tiedä
Mulla on salaisuus
Marinette (singing)
Miraculous, auttaa se saa!
Silloin kun vaarat ahdistaa!
Miraculous, onnekas on!
Rakkauden voima loputon!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day, I'm Marinette
An ordinary girl and an ordinary life
But there is one thing that no one knows yet
I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, it'll help!
When the dangers haunt you!
Miraculous, lucky is!
The power of love is endless!
Marinette (speaking):
Je m'appelle Marinette,
Une fille comme les autres.
Mais quand le destin me choisit pour lutter contre les forces du mal,
Je deviens Miraculous Ladybug!
Marinette (singing):
Papillon noir, Paris mystère,
C'est mon histoire, plutôt étrange,
La magie noire, me désespère,
Et le Chat noir n'est pas un ange.
Amour chassé-croisé,
Mon cœur aime Adrien.
Mais lui ne veut m'aimer
Que lorsque je deviens…
Une Ladybug, porte-bonheur,
Lady magique et Lady chance!
Une Ladybug, Lady du cœur,
Être héroïque en cas d'urgence!
C'est moi Chat Noir, toujours présent,
J'ai des pouvoirs superpuissants.
Pour la victoire, j'en fais serment,
Je me bagarre, éperdument.
Amour chassé-croisé,
J'ai peur d'aimer pour rien,
Celle qui ne peut m'aimer
Quand elle vit son destin…
Chorus 2x
Miraculous! Miraculous
Une Ladybug, Lady du cœur,
Être héroïque en cas d'urgence!
Marinette (speaking):
My name’s Marinette,
A girl just like any other.
But when destiny calls upon me to fight against the forces of evil,
I become Miraculous Ladybug!
Marinette (singing):
Black butterfly, mysterious Paris,
This is my story, it’s rather strange.
Black magic makes me despair,
And Cat Noir is no angel.
Star-crossed love,
My heart loves Adrien.
But he only seems to love me
When I become…
A Ladybug, a good-luck charm,
Lady Magic and Lady Luck!
A Ladybug, Lady of the Heart,
Be heroic in case of emergency!
I'm Cat Noir, always there.
I’ve got super-powerful powers.
For victory, I swear,
I will fight, desperately.
Star-crossed love,
I’m afraid to love in vain
The one who cannot love me
When she lives her destiny…
Chorus 2x
Miraculous! Miraculous!
A Ladybug, Lady of the Heart,
Be heroic in case of emergency!
Marinette (speaking):
Ich bin Marinette,
ein ganz normales Mädchen mit einem ganz normalen Leben.
Aber es gibt etwas, das niemand über mich weiß,
ich hab nämlich ein Geheimnis!
Marinette (singing):
Die Schule ruft. Da muss ich hin.
Doch krieg' ich ihn nicht aus dem Sinn.
Er sieht mich an, bin irritiert,
ob er sich für mich int'ressiert?
Oh oh oh
Mir wird ganz schwindelig.
Oh oh oh
Wo bleibt mein Gleichgewicht?
Oh oh oh
Doch wenn's gefährlich wird
ist eines ganz schnell klar:
Ich bin Ladybug, bringe dir Glück
und glaube fest, dass es gelingt!
Bin Ladybug, es ist verrückt,
wie weit uns die Kraft des Guten bringt!
Bin unschlagbar als Cat Noir,
doch dann denk' ich: Ach, wäre sie nur da!
Ist sie bei mir, fühl ich mich gut.
Sie macht mir Mut, wenn's keiner tut.
Oh oh oh
Lass' ich mich darauf ein?
Oh oh oh
Liebe kann grausam sein.
Oh oh oh
Doch wenn sie lächelt,
ist eines ganz schnell klar:
Chorus 3x
Marinette (speaking):
I am Marinette,
a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
because I have a secret!
Marinette (singing):
The school calls. I have to go there.
But I can't get him out of my mind
He looks at me, I am irritated,
I wonder if he is interested in me?
Oh oh oh
I'm getting all dizzy.
Oh oh oh
Where is my balance?
Oh oh oh
But when it gets dangerous
suddenly one thing becomes clear
I'm Ladybug, I bring you luck!
And I strongly believe that it'll work out!
I'm Ladybug, it's insane
how far the force of good gets us!
I'm invincible as Cat Noir.
But then I think 'Oh, if only she were here!'
When she's with me, I feel so good.
I'm encouraged by her when no one else does it.
Oh oh oh
Should I get involved in this?
Oh oh oh
Love can be cruel.
Oh oh oh
But when she smiles,
suddenly one thing becomes clear.
Chorus 3x
Marinette (speaking):
Την ημέρα είμαι η Μαρινέτ,
Ένα κανονικό κορίτσι με κανονική ζωή.
Μα υπάρχει κάτι ασυνήθιστο που κανείς δεν γνωρίζει,
Γιατί είναι μυστικό!
Marinette (singing):
Φανταστική, μοναδική,
Για κάθε δύσκολη στιγμή!
Φανταστική, και τυχερή,
Η αγάπη την κάνει δυνατή!
Marinette (speaking):
On the day I'm Marinette,
A normal girl with a normal life.
But there is something unusual that no one knows,
Because it's a secret!
Marinette (singing):
Fantastic, unique,
For every difficult moment!
Fantastic, and lucky,
Love makes her strong!
Marinette (speaking):
בשעות היום, אני מרינט
רק עוד ילדה רגילה שיש לה חיים רגילים
אבל יש בי משהו שאיש לא מכיר
בגלל שיש לי סוד
Marinette (singing):
החיפושית, המופלאה
היא תעזור בעת צרה
היא מופלאה, הכי טובה
ועם כוחות האהבה
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette
Just another normal girl who has a normal life
But there is something in me that nobody knows
Because I have a secret
Marinette (singing):
The bug, The miraculous
She will help at times of trouble
She is miraculous, the best
And with the love powers
The miraculous
Marinette (speaking):
दिन की शुरुआत में, मैं हूँ मैरीनेट,
एक नार्मल लड़की जिसकी है नार्मल लाइफ
पर मेरे बारे में कुछ ऐसा है जिसके बारे में कोई नहीं जानता,
मेरा एक सीक्रेट
मिरकुलस! है सबसे ख़ास!
कर दे वो हल जो भी हो गलत!
मिरकुलस! सबसे अलग!
प्यार की ताकत, सबसे प्रॉपर!
Marinette (speaking):
In the beginning of the day, I'm Marinette,
A normal girl who has a normal life
But there's something about me that no one knows,
My secret
Miraculous! Is the best!
She will solve whatever is wrong!
Miraculous! The most unique!
The power of love, the most proper!
Marinette (speaking):
Nappal Marinette vagyok.
Egy átlagos életet élő átlagos lány.
De van bennem valami rendkívüli, amiről senki sem tud.
Az még titok.
Marinette (singing):
Ma suli vár, csak lezseren,
De ez a srác pont az esetem.
Ha szemezünk, az kiborít,
Szédít, de mégsem bírom így!
Jó kedvre derülök,
Sőt szinte repülök.
Ám hogyha jön az éj,
Fordul már a szél!
Miraculous, csoda dolog.
Besuhanok, ha nem megy jól!
Leüt a sokk, hogy nincsen jobb.
Erőm a szív mélyéről szól!
Oly fura az, ha jön az éj,
Már csakis ő, kiért a szívem él.
Ő lecsitít, és behevít,
Ha elesem, jön s felvidít.
Miért hinné nekem el?
Ég benn a szerelem.
Látván a mosolyát,
Lelkem fordul át!
Chorus 3x
Őrizd meg jól!
Marinette (speaking):
I'm Marinette with a day.
An ordinary girl living an average life.
But I have something extraordinary that nobody knows.
It's still a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Today school is waiting just casually,
But this guy is my point.
If we look at it,
He's dizzying, but I can not do that!
I feel good,
In fact, I almost fly.
But when the night comes,
The wind is turning!
Miraculous, wonder thing.
I'm sorry if it does not go well!
The shock is shocked to be no better.
My strength is deep in the heart!
It's so weird when the night comes,
Only she, who is my heart, lives.
She shuts down and heats up,
If I fall down, it comes and cheers.
Why would you believe me?
There is love in heaven.
Seeing her smile,
My soul is turning over!
Chorus 3x
Keep it well.
Marinette (speaking):
Di siang hari, aku Marinette,
hanya gadis normal dengan kehidupan normal.
Tetapi ada sesuatu tentang ku, yang belum diketahui orang,
karena aku punya rahasia.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day, I'm Marinette,
just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet.
Because I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Marinette (speaking):
Nella vita di tutti i giorni, io sono Marinette,
una ragazza normale con una vita normale.
Ma c'è una cosa che mi riguarda che nessuno conosce,
perché ho un segreto.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Pura energia!
Semplicemente la migliore!
Miraculous e la magia!
Che vince su tutto è l'amore!
Marinette (speaking):
In everyday life, I'm Marinette,
a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's one thing about me that no one knows,
because I have a secret:
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Pure power!
Simply the best!
Miraculous and the magic!
What wins above all, is love!
Ancora qui a scuola ma,
Io penso a lui che adesso è qua.
Se guarda me, non so perché.
Mi sento un po’ più fragile.
Oh, oh, oh!
Il mondo gira e poi.
Oh, oh, oh!
Io tocco le nuvole.
Oh, oh, oh!
Ma il sole scenderà!
Ed io diventerò.
Se lotta con me!
Il male si deve arrendere!
Fortuna che, l'amore è potente dentro me!
Io un gatto che sta bene ma,
di notte penso solamente a lei.
Più forte se è qui con me.
Mi tira su se sono giù.
Oh, oh, oh!
Oh non, non saprà mai.
Oh, oh, oh!
Che dentro il cuore ho lei.
Oh, oh, oh!
Lei mi sorriderà e diventerà...
Se lotta con me.
Il male si deve arrendere.
Fortuna che, l'amore è potente dentro me!
Still here at school but
I think about him who is here now
If he looks at me, I don't know why.
I feel a little more fragile.
Oh, oh, oh!
The world spins and then..
Oh, oh, oh!
I touch the clouds.
Oh, oh, oh!
But the sun will go down,
And I will become...
If it fights me,
the evil must surrender!
Fortunately, love is powerful inside me!
I am a cat, and I feel fine but,
at night I only think about her.
I'm stronger if she's with me.
She picks me up when I am down.
Oh, oh, oh!
Oh no, she'll never know.
Oh, oh, oh!
That I have her in my heart.
Oh, oh, oh!
She will smile at me and become...
If it fights me,
the evil must surrender!
Fortunately, love is powerful inside me!
Marinette (speaking):
Marinette (singing):
ミラキュラス レディバグ
ミラキュラス ア ラッキーガール
Marinette (speaking):
My name is Marinette.
An ordinary girl who is everywhere during the day.
But I have a secret...
A special secret that can not be said to everyone.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Ladybug
Wear a miracle.
Miraculous! A lucky girl
Become the power of love.
Marinette (speaking):
낮 동안엔 난 마리네뜨.
그냥 평범한, 흔한 소녀지.
하지만 내겐 뭔가 특별한 게 있지.
왜냐면, 그건 비밀이야.
FIESTAR (singing):
평범한 낮, 특별한 밤
내 비밀은 다들 몰라.
어둠 속의 악의 무리
내 눈빛에 사라지네.
태양이 잠들어,
저 달이 눈 뜨면,
One, Two, Three,
그 순간엔 내 세상이 와!
레이디버그, 날아올라!
아무도 막을 수 없어!
레이디버그, 어디서나
언제나 나를 불러줘
FIESTAR (singing):
누군가가 위험할 때,
일이 뭔가 잘못될 때,
주문처럼 행운처럼
눈 감은 채 just call my name
마법이 시작돼
이 밤을 지배해
One, Two, Three,
그 순간엔 내 세상이 와!
Chorus 2x
FIESTAR (singing):
오, 레이디버그, 날아올라
레이디버그, 어디서나
언제나 나를 불러줘
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just an ordinary, common girl.
But there's something special about me.
'Cause, It's a secret.
FIESTAR (singing):
Ordinary day, special night
No one knows my secret.
Evil forces in the darkness
Disappear because of my glare.
As the sun falls asleep
And the moon rises
One, Two, Three,
My world comes to life in that moment
Ladybug, flying high!
No one can stop you!
Ladybug, wherever you are,
Call me anytime
FIESTAR (singing):
When someone's in danger,
When things go wrong,
Like spell, like luck
With your eyes closed, just call my name
Magic begins
Rule the night
One, Two, Three,
My world comes to life in that moment!
Chorus 2x
FIESTAR (singing):
Oh, Ladybug, flying high
FIESTAR (singing):
Ladybug, wherever you are,
Call me anytime
Marinette (speaking):
Dienā, es esmu Marinēte,
parasta meitene ar parastu dzīvi.
Bet ir kas tāds ko par man neviens nezina,
mani noslēpums.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Marinette (speaking):
In the day, I'm marinette,
a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
my secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Simply the best!
Up to the test when things go wrong!
Miraculous! The luckiest!
The power of love, always so strong!
Marinette (speaking):
Diena aš esu Marinette,
paprastą mergaitė gyvenanti paprastą gyvenimą.
Bet kažkas apie mane dar niekas
nes aš turiu paslaptį.
Marinette (speaking):
Mūsų šaunieji skubi pagalba nutikus nelaime.
Mūsų gražiai meilės galią nugali baimė.
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime, I'm marinette,
a simple girl living a simple life.
But there's something about me that nobody knows yet.
'cause I have a secret.
Marinette (speaking):
Our urgent help in case of misfortune.
Our beautiful power of love overcomes the fear.
Marinette (speaking):
Pada waktu siang, saya Marinette,
hanya gadis biasa dengan kehidupan biasa.
Tapi ada sesuatu tentang saya yang semua belum tahu,
sebab saya ada rahsia.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, simply the best,
can stand a test when everything goes wrong!
Miraculous, it counts the most
when the power of love is central!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day, I'm Marinette.
Just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life.
But there is something about me that everyone doesn't know yet,
because I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, simply the best,
can stand a test when everything goes wrong!
Miraculous, it counts the most
when the power of love is central!
Marinette (speaking):
Om dagen er jeg Marinette,
en helt vanlig jente med et vanlig liv.
Men det er noe ved meg som ingen vet ennå
for jeg har en hemmelighet.
Marinette (singing):
Mirakuløs, rett og slett best,
tåler en test når alt går galt!
Mirakuløs, og teller mest
hvis kjærlighetskraft står helt sentralt!
Marinette (speaking):
In the day I'm Marinette,
an ordinary girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that no one knows yet,
for I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, simply the best,
can stand a test when everything goes wrong!
Miraculous, it counts the most
when the power of love is central!
Marinette (speaking):
Tak na codzień?
Jestem Marinette,
Zwyczajna dziewczyna, ze zwyczajnym życiem.
Ale skrywam w sobie coś, o czym nie wie nikt.
To moja tajemnica...
Marinette (singing):
Każdego dnia do szkoły gnam,
Bo tam jest on cudowny tak.
Gdy spojrzy, ja wnet chowam się
Co o mnie myśli? Kto to wie?
Zakręcił w głowie mi.
On chyba mi się śni.
A gdy ktoś kłopot ma,
zmieniam się raz dwa.
Mam super dar
Gaśnie zły czar
Tak działa moc Miraculum
Mam super dar,
a w sercu żar
Dodaje mi sił miłości duch
Adrien (singing):
To ja ten kot, co wielbi ją,
Lecz wszystkie me starania na nic są.
Gdy blisko jest, na sercu lżej,
Tak wiele już zawdzięczam jej.
Miłość prowadzi mnie
Zawsze być przy niej chce
Niech szczęście dłużej trwa,
zmieniaj się raz dwa.
Chours x3
Marinette i Adrien (singing)
Mam super dar!
Marinette (speaking):
In the daytime?
I'm Marinette,
An ordinary girl with an ordinary life.
But I hide something that nobody knows about it.
It's my secret...
Marinette (singing):
Everyday I run to school,
Because he's there, so adorable.
When he looks (at me), I hide myself soon.
What does he think about me? Who knows that?
He's got me spinning around
I guess I'm dreaming about him.
And when someone digs into a hole,
I change ASAP.
I have a great gift
An evil spell goes out
Miraculous's power works like this
I have a great gift,
And embers in the heart
The spirit of love gives me the strength
Adrien (singing):
It's me, this cat, who adores her,
But all my efforts are for nothing.
When she's in sight, my heart lighten,
I've already owned so much to her.
The love leads me
I always want be with her
Let happiness last longer,
transform ASAP.
Chours x3
Marinette & Adrien (singing)
I have a super gift!
Marinette (speaking):
Eu me chamo, Marinette.
Uma menina como as outras,
Mas tenho uma coisa que ninguém sabe,
Porque eu tenho um segredo!
Marinette (singing):
Sou Ladybug! Sempre a melhor!
Contra inimigos eu vou lutar!
Sou Ladybug! Sempre com sorte!
A força do amor vai nos salvar!
Sou Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
My name is Marinette
A girl just like the rest,
But I have something that no one knows,
Because I have a secret!
Marinette (singing):
I'm Ladybug! Always the best!
Against enemies I will fight!
I'm Ladybug! Always with luck!
The force of love will save us!
I'm Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
Durante o dia, sou a Marinette,
Uma miúda normal com uma vida normal,
Mas há uma coisa sobre mim que ainda ninguém sabe,
É que eu tenho um segredo.
Marinette (singing):
A Ladybug, chegou p'ra vencer
O coração é o seu poder
Com a Ladybug, vocês vão ver,
Que o mal nunca vai prevalecer!
É a Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
By day, I'm Marinette
A normal girl, with a normal life.
But there's something in me that no one knows yet,
That I have a secret
Marinette (singing):
Ladybug, came to win
Her heart is her power,
With Ladybug, you will see,
That evil shall never prevail!
She's Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
În timpul zilei, sunt Marinette.
O fată normală, cu o viață normală.
Dar e ceva legat de mine, ce încă nu știe nimeni.
Fiindcă am un secret
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Cel mai frumos!
Te va scăpa când dai de greu!
Miraculos! Ce norocos!
Dragostea învinge mereu!
Marinette (speaking):
In daytime, I'm Marinette,
Just a normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that nobody knows yet
Because I've got a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! The most beautiful!
Will rescue you when you're in trouble!
Miraculous! How lucky!
Love defeats every time!
Marinette (speaking):
Днём я Маринетт.
Обычная девочка, живущая самой обычной жизнью...
Но кое-что обо мне не знает никто - это моя тайна!
Чудо вокруг,
Лишь оглянись.
Лишь присмотрись,
Не пропусти!
Чудо вокруг,
Лишь обернись.
Дружба, любовь
Уже в пути!
Чудо вокруг...
Marinette (speaking):
In the day time, I am Marinette.
An ordinary girl, living an ordinary life...
But there's something about me, that no one knows- It's my secret!
Marinette (singing):
Miracle around,
Just look around.
Just look closely,
Don't miss!
Miracle around,
Just turn around.
Friendship, love
Are on the way!
Miracle around...
Marinette (speaking):
Danju ja sam Marinet,
obična devojka koja vodi običan život.
Ali postoji nešto što niko ne zna o meni,
ja imam tajnu.
Marinette (singing)
Mirakulus! Spremna za let!
U nevolji se ne predaje!
Mirakulus! Čudesan svet!
Ljubav od zla tu jača je!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day I'm Marinette,
an ordinary girl who leads a normal life.
But there's something that nobody knows about me,
I have a secret.
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! Ready for flight!
In the trouble, you don't give up!
Miraculous! Miraculous world!
Love is stronger than evil there!
Marinette (speaking):
Por el día, soy Marinette
Una chica normal con una vida normal
Pero hay algo en mí, que nadie sabe todavía
Que tengo un secreto.
Es Ladybug, viene a vencer
Su corazón es su poder
Es Ladybug, lo vais a ver
Nunca el mal se va a imponer
¡Es Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
By day, I'm Marinette
A normal girl, with a normal life.
But there's something in me that no one knows yet,
That I have a secret
It's Ladybug, coming to win
Her heart is her power.
It's Ladybug, you will see
Evil will never impose itself.
It's Ladybug!
Marinette (speaking):
Durante el día, soy Marinette
Una chica normal con una vida normal
Pero en mí, hay algo que nadie sabe
Es mi secreto
Duet (Seasons 1-3), Marinette (singing) (Season 4):
¡Miraculous! Lo más genial
A resolver lo que anda mal
¡Miraculous! Nada mejor
Es fuerte poder de el amor
Marinette (speaking):
During the day, I'm Marinette
A normal girl, with a normal life.
But in me, there's something that no one knows.
It's my secret.
Miraculous! The coolest
Solving what goes wrong
Miraculous! Nothing better
The power of love is so strong
Marinette (speaking):
På dagtid är jag Marinette
En helt vanlig tjej med ett helt vanligt liv
Men det finns nånting med mig som ingen vet om än
För jag har en hemlighet
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, helt enkelt bäst
Klarar sitt test när allt går snett
Miraculous, på säker mark
När kärlek så stark på alla sätt
Marinette (speaking):
During the day I'm Marinette
An ordinary girl with an ordinary life
But there's something about me that no one knows about yet
Because I have a secret
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous, simply the best
Passes his test when everything goes wrong
Miraculous, on safe ground
Marinette (speaking):
Gün içinde, ben Marinette'im.
Normal bir hayatı olan normal bir kız.
Ama benim hakkımda kimsenin bilmediği bir şey var
Çünkü benim bir sırrım var!
Marinette (singing):
Mucizevi! En iyisi!
Elini verirsin sorunlarda!
Mucizevi! En şanslısın!
Aşkın kudreti hep şiddetli!
Marinette (speaking):
During the day, I'm Marinette.
A normal girl with a normal life.
But there's something about me that nobody knows
Because I have a secret!
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! The best!
Give your hand in problems!
Miraculous! You are luckiest!
The power of love is always intense!
Marinette (speaking):
میں ہوں میرینیٹ
ایک سمپل سی لڑکی
اور میری لائف۔۔۔نارمل ہے
هاهاها، هہ!
لیکن کچھ اسپیشل ہے جو آج تک کوئی نہیں جانتا
اور وہ ہے-
Marinette (singing):
مرآکیولس، بن جائوں میں
مجھ سے کبھی تم نہ ٹکرانا
ٹوٹا ہوا، دل ہو کوئی،
بن جائوں میں اس کا سہارا
Marinette (speaking):
I'm Marinette!
A simple maiden/girl.
And I live an... ordinary life.
But there's something special that no one knows yet.
It's that...
Marinette (singing):
Miraculous! It's who I am!
Never dare to mess with me
If someone has a broken heart
I'll be the one to cheer them up
Marinette speaking (subtitles):
Ban ngày tớ là Marinette,
một cô gái có cuộc sống bình thường.
Nhưng có một điều không ai biết về tớ.
Vì tớ có một bí mật.
Marinette singing (subtitles):
Ngọc Thần là thứ tuyệt nhất.
Sẵn sàng đương đầu với gian khó.
Ngọc Thần là vật may mắn nhất.
Sức mạnh tình yêu luôn phi thường.
Ngọc Thần.
Marinette speaking (subtitles):
During the day, I'm Marinette.
A girl with a normal life.
But there's one thing nobody knows about me.
Because I have a secret.
Marinette singing (subtitles):
Jade God is the best thing.
Ready to cope with hard times.
Jade God is the luckiest thing.
Love power is always extraordinary.
Jade God
Featured characters[]
- Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
- Chloé Bourgeois
- Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
- Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
- Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
- Tikki
- Luka Couffaine/Viperion
- Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
- Zoé Lee/Vesperia
- Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
- Rose Lavillant/Pigella
- Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
- Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
- Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
- Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
- Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
- Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
- Max Kanté/Pegasus
- Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
- Shadow Moth/Hawk Moth
- Akuma
- Mayura
- Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
- Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
- Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
- Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
- Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
- Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
- Rose Lavillant/Pigella
- Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
- Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
- Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
- Luka Couffaine/Viperion
- Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
- Zoé Lee/Vesperia
- Ivan Bruel/Minotarox
- Max Kanté/Pegasus
- Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
- Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
- Félix Fathom/Argos
- Tikki
- Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch
- The English version of the theme song has an alternate version with different lyrics. One version (with "It's Ladybug") is performed by Wendy Child and Cash Callaway.[1]; the other (with "Miraculous") is performed by Brittnee Belt and Cash Callaway.[2]
Miraculous Ladybug OP Animatic
- However, starting from season 4, the Lou and Lenni-Kim version is used.
- It was originally announced that the version sung by Laura Marano would be used for Season 2, although the "Miraculous" version was used in the final product.[3]
- Thomas Astruc uploaded a storyboard version of the theme song that was later changed into the final version.
- At Dokomi 2017, he revealed the finished unused version of the opening.[4]
- In the original releases of the song, Wendy Child speaks Marinette's opening narration, but in later releases of the song, Cristina Vee's version of the narration, from the show's opening theme, is used instead.
- In the former, Marinette's name is pronounced using a short "a" (like in "scar") as opposed to a long one (like in "bare").
- The French version is performed by Marily and Noam Kaniel.[5][6]
- Starting from season 2, the Lou and Lenni-Kim version is used.
- The Korean version is performed by K-pop group FIESTAR. They also made a music video[7] for the song and performed it live[8] at SAMG Animation's Miraculous conference on July 22 2015.[9]
- The Serbian version is performed by Milena Moravčević, with Marko Marković as a backing vocalist.
- The Croatian version is performed by Nina Kraljić.
- The Latin American Spanish version is perfomed by Denisse Aragón & Jair Ortomann (in seasons 1-3) & only Denisse Aragón (in season 4).
- Curiously Denisse, the singer also sang for Marinette "The Boy That I Secretly Love" for episode "Santa Claws" in Season 2 & The Movie.
- Tumblr user jep2k3, who worked on the show, posted three gifs of rough ideas in animatic form for the theme song.
- Near the end of the theme song, Nooroo and Wayzz fly with Tikki and Plagg into the Chinese Miracle Box with seven different sections, each section holding a Miraculous.
- In front of the school, Marinette runs to the school with a croissant in her mouth. This is a common trope of a character running to school with a piece of toast or another kind of food, typically breakfast-related, held in his or her mouth to indicate that the character is in a hurry and/or late, which is often seen in manga and anime.
- At the beginning, Marinette can be seen stumbling to avoid a small black cat in her path.
- Among the photos with the characters shown from the second season, Alya, Alix, Rose, Juleka and Mylène are shown with animal photo filters that serve to inform about the powers of the kwamis that they would later receive throughout the series.
- In "The Puppeteer", Ladybug briefly whistles the theme to herself while walking up to grab Puppeteer's wand.
- In "Lies", Cat Noir briefly hums the theme to himself as he's waiting for Ladybug to start their patrol.
- In the second season's opening, some prototype scenes of the first season's opening were used.
- The second and third seasons both use the exact same opening.
- According to Thomas Astruc, the reason for that, is that the basics of both seasons are the same.[10]
- For an unknown reason, there are two variants of the Season 4 opening: in the first one (used in "Truth", "Gang of Secrets", "Furious Fu", "Queen Banana", and "Guiltrip", which were the first five episodes to be finished), the photo of Luka is at the bottom and the one of Kagami next to the one of Zoé, while in the second (used in all the other episodes, and throughout Season 5) their order's switched.
- There are two Italian variants of the theme song. The first, used by Disney Channel, doesn't have an extended version. The second, used by Super!, has an extended version and doesn't have Marinette's initial introduction.
- Similarly, the intro of the Mandarin Chinese dub aired on Le TV doesn't have Marinette's introduction. However, the intro of the dub by TeKi does feature Marinette's narration.
- For an unknown reason, the Sinhala dub released by Hiru TV doesn't use It's Ladybug as its intro, instead using an intro made of clips from "Stormy Weather" and "The Bubbler" and a unique song.
- Marinette mentions the opening first lines of the theme song briefly in "Sentibubbler", "Miraculous Paris", "Jubilation", "Elation" and "Transmission".
- The Season 6 opening posses the most changes when in comparison to the previous ones:
- Plagg and Chloé don't appear.
- Chloé's absence is due to her and her mother leaving Paris to London in the end of "Revolution".
- The secret Marinette is now holding is no longer about her secret identity but about the truth about Gabriel Agreste.
- Marinette and Adrien appear as a couple, while surrounded by their friends, instead of the shot of Marinette tripping, Chloé and Sabrina passing by while the former is laughing, Alya helping Marinette getting up, Adrien appearing and then Chloé shoving Marinette out of the way.
- The cat that normally appears chasing the croissant Marinette drops appears holding that croissant on its mouth.
- Cat Noir appears running by a roof waving at Ladybug as she swings by.
- Instead of the shot of Gabriel in his villain persona, a scene of Ladybug activating her yo-yo to call upon her allies, followed by the latters' shots shifting from their civilian identity to their superhero one as their kwamis pass by, with the entire team appearing together and then dispersing.
- The last moments shows Ladybug and Cat Noir saying goodbye to one another with a high-five, running to opposite directions, only to then reunite in their civilian form and then kiss, advancing then to the title of the opening where all the heroes appear together, where Chrysalis' akumatization form appears catching them with her hand.
- Plagg and Chloé don't appear.

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