Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie universe information This article is about Gabriel Agreste from Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie and any information in it exclusively follows the movie continuity. For information from the main show continuity, please visit this page. |
Gabriel Agreste is the main antagonist of "Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie". He is the father of Adrien Agreste and the widower of the late Émilie Agreste.
Formerly, with the Butterfly Miraculous, when inhabited by Nooroo, Gabriel transformed into Hawk Moth (Le Papillon in the French version, which translates to "The Butterfly"), a butterfly-themed supervillain. He wanted Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculouses to restore Emilie and his family. To achieve his goal, he used the Butterfly Miraculous' power: akumatization. This allowed him to create and control akumas, regular butterflies, imbued with the power of the Butterfly Miraculous that can transform normal people with negative emotions into akumatized supervillains. Later, after akumatizing himself, supercharging his powers, and battling the two heroes, he surrendered the Butterfly Miraculous after finding out his son is Cat Noir.
Physical appearance[]
Gabriel is a very tall, middle-aged man whose skin tone is fair with a rosy tint. He has pale, light grayish cerulean eyes and combed-back light blonde hair. When he was younger he used to have long hair since he was a child then same as an adult before he change it to combed back light blonde.
Civilian attire[]
As Gabriel Agreste, he dons a light grey collared shirt with red buttons, a multicolored tie, and a white overcoat. He also wears bright red pants and white cap toe shoes with neatly tied laces. His hair is a light grey, and his eyes are a light blue. He also wears glasses.
As Hawk Moth[]
As Hawk Moth, he wore an extravagantly purple suit with a large V-shaped collar. His pants were an identical shade of purple, and he wore a grey cowl to obscure his face, with only his eyes and a small area around his mouth uncovered. The Butterfly Miraculous resided below his neck, being worn as a brooch. He was often seen wielding a dark purple cane.
Both of his designs were rather similar to his original counterpart, but they still had slight differences. His clothing is less bright than it was in the show, his glasses are grey instead of black, his ring is gold instead of silver, and the area of his suit where the Butterfly Miraculous is is a lighter shade of purple than the rest of his suit. Due to the movie's art style being more realistic, his head is less elliptical, and his hair has greater detail.
With or without the Butterfly Miraculous, Gabriel is a cold, broken man capable of great cruelty in times of desperation. He is wrathful, practically losing his mind over Ladybug and Cat Noir repeatedly thwarting his attempts at getting their Miraculous, and perfectly willing to put civilians in harm's way to achieve his goals. This eventually culminates in him akumatizing himself to defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir, putting the entire city of Paris at risk as a result.
Despite this, Gabriel is not without humanity. A key motivation for his turn to villainy is the unfortunate death of his beloved wife, Emilie, and his ultimate goal was to make a wish using the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous to resurrect her. While he is estranged and quite apathetic of his feelings, he genuinely loves his son, Adrien, being upset over his sorrow over the loss of his mother and feeling heartbroken when the latter tells him that he was a poor father for him. When he finds out that Cat Noir is his son, Gabriel is mortified, breaking down in tears over how his actions have endangered his son. This leads to him forgoing his days as Hawk Moth, turning himself in to repent for his crimes.
At the end of the day, Gabriel Agreste is a tragic man who let his grief fester to the point where it warped his morals entirely. Once he learned that love can overcome any tragedy, he was able to see the error of his ways, redeeming himself in the process.
As a civilian[]
Gabriel was an expert at fashion design and was well-versed in owning a business.
As Hawk Moth[]
Hawk Moth was granted superhuman physical abilities such as speed, agility, strength, and near-invulnerability, and wielded a cane as his Miraculous tool. He could turn people with potent negative emotions into supervillains by infecting them with Akumas, capable of creating an army of them. He could also psychically sense negative feelings across Paris, telepathically connect with akumatized victims, and project holograms of himself using Akumas to communicate with others from far away.
When he akumatized himself, he was granted immense magical power, able to control dark energy, telekinetically manipulate objects and matter, summon storm clouds, unleash a massive swarm of Akumas to attack and destroy the city, and could materialize a pair of wings made of Akumas that levitated him.
Émilie Agreste[]
At first, shown in the flashbacks, Gabriel and Émilie had met when they were kids and throughout the years together they were in love with him describing it as "two halves made whole". Then, they both shared great joy that they were going to be parents and a have family but it was short lived when Émilie died of an unknown condition. Much like his canon counterpart, Gabriel is shown to mourn and miss her a lot, believing he couldn't raise Adrien without her finding Émilie; the superior parent. So much so that he is willing to use the Butterfly Miraculous to cause chaos and get the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous to bring her back to life even if it means putting everyone (including the people he loves) in danger. Unknown to everyone except Nathalie, he kept her in a secret area in their house.
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir[]
In the past, Gabriel used to have a good relationship with his son during the time Émilie was alive showing that they loved each other very much. Unfortunately, after Émilie died, both were greatly devastated by her death. Unlike Adrien, who was able to at least came to terms with it, Gabriel was so heartbroken that he became a supervillain to bring her back. Because of her death, they grew cold and distant, which greatly upset Adrien. Despite this, he does care for his son and asked where he had been telling his son that he as his father he worried for him. Embittered with Ladybug for rejecting him and resentful towards his father for his negligence, Adrien furiously claimed that he lost his father "a long time ago" and stormed off to his room in rage, leaving Gabriel genuinely hurt.
As Hawk Moth, he deeply dislikes Cat Noir and Ladybug for ruining his plans. When his final showdown with them starts, Hawk Moth grabs him and attempts to take away his Miraculous. But Cat responds by scarring him across his eye, enraging him so much that he savagely tears parts of his suit and later takes off the part of his mask off and upon giving himself a closer look at the hero, he, much to his horror, realized that Cat Noir is his son.
After he transforms back, Gabriel breaks down in tears to him, who was shocked and heartbroken to learn that his own father was Hawk Moth. When Adrien asked why would he do this, Gabriel tearfully said that he did it out of love for his mother, apologizes to Adrien and after kneeling, he wept bitterly to himself believing that his son would never forgive him for being a supervillain he despises. But to his surprise, Cat Noir comforted and forgave him saying that he had to let go. Gabriel, shocked, stood up and Cat Noir gave him a comforting and reconciling hug reconnecting, at long last. Unfortunately, Gabriel would be separated from his son for his time in jail for the damage he caused to the Paris.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug[]
Gabriel, as Hawk Moth, was aware that Ladybug and Cat Noir are the current holders of Ladybug and Cat Miraculous, the very Miraculous that he sought to use to bring back his wife. He was extremely frustrated and enraged that she and Cat Noir continuously foiling all of his plans. When he attacked Paris one last time, Hawk Moth, now akumatized, telepathically grabs Ladybug and took away her Miraculous. Before throwing her away, he comments that Ladybug was just a scared, little girl.
Nathalie Sancoeur[]
Much like his canon counterpart, they share a healthy professional working relationship. However, Nathalie wishes for Gabriel to at least spend more time with his son, but he refuses. Unknown to everyone except Nathalie, he kept Émilie's body in a secret area in their house.
Despite receiving the information he needed to find the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses from her and using her Miraculous for evil; Gabriel was less demanding with her. At first, even through a vision he ignored Nooroo's stern and serious warning that if he didn't surrender his dark path he would lose everything. Upon seeing the identity of Cat Noir, as his son, Gabriel fearfully realized that she was right and surrendered her to Ladybug then Master Fu.
- There are some notable differences between his canon counterpart and his movie counterpart;
- This Gabriel does not homeschool his son Adrien, force him to learn Chinese, fence, model or forbey him from any kind of social interactions.
- Gabriel discovers that his son is Cat Noir, leading him to experience remorse and guilt, causing him to relinquish the Butterfly Miraculous and turn himself in, in contrast to his original self's two erased timeline versions who had no qualms about akumatizing their sons.
- The entire city of Paris learns that Gabriel was Hawk Moth, while his initial self remained concealed as Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch and was revered as a "hero".
- Gabriel was possibly arrested for his crimes off-screen, diverging from his original self, who was never arrested because he perished after sacrificing himself to heal his assistant Nathalie and join his wife in the afterlife.

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