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Miraculous Ladybug Wiki
Miraculous Ladybug Wiki
Dragon Miraculous Superpower has been a featured article on the front page. This article is related to the Dragon Miraculous.

Ladybug has hopes that you will defeat Ikari Gozen with panache, using the element of your choosing. Wind, water or lightning. But firstly, let me tell you about her plan.

Longg, "Ikari Gozen"

The Dragon Miraculous Superpower is a set of three special superpowers granted by the Dragon Miraculous to its owner.


These superpowers allow the user to transform themself into the natural elements of a storm. Each of these powers are activated by the user speaking their respective names.

Miraculous Owner

The Miraculous owner is able to activate any one of three transformations:

  • Wind Dragon – The user is transformed into a large cloud of air. They can also generate and control strong winds.
  • Water Dragon – The user is transformed into a deluge of water. They can also generate and control massive amounts of water.
  • Lightning Dragon - The user is transformed into a bolt of lightning. They can also generate and attack with lightning bolts.

There are two seen ways of activating the power. The first one, seen in "Ikari Gozen", consists of the Dragon Miraculous owner spreading out their arms as they call out the respective power they want to use. Or they can simply just say the element name and it will transform their body as seen in "Ikari Gozen" and "Ephemeral". Notably, as seen in "Miracle Queen" and "Strikeback", the user is able to generate and manipulate their chosen element without needing to transform their body.

Ikari Gozen 388

The power of Wind Dragon.

The power of Wind Dragon makes the user "as elusive as the wind"; becoming a cloud of wind can make the user incorporeal, allowing them to escape from bindings and imprisonments, as well as allowing the user to let attacks pass through them harmlessly. It can also be used to unleash powerful whirlwinds, allowing the user to attack with epic gale force, as well as block and/or divert incoming attacks. The wind can also be used to corral and entrap a target.

Ikari Gozen 438

Bath bombs triggered by the power of Water Dragon.

The power of Water Dragon makes the user "as powerful as the flood"; it can be used to drown people and trigger anything that is affected by water. It is also an excellent defense against any enemies that have a weakness to water, such as Miracle Queen's wasps.

Ephemeral (26)

The power of Lightning Dragon.

The power of Lightning Dragon makes the user "as swift as a bolt of lightning"; it can be used to allow the user to travel from place to place quickly in the form of a lightning bolt. The lightning can be used as a blast offensively or defensively and it is capable of knocking out and disabling vehicles.

Ikari Gozen 435

The water tomoe activating, and the wind tomoe already used.

In the case of a young Miraculous holder, the countdown timer to their detransformation will not activate unless all three powers have been used, additionally, a young holder can only use each power once per transformation. Once one of the powers is activated, the corresponding tomoe on the mitsudomoe symbol on their costume will glow brightly, and as seen in "Miracle Queen", it will continue to glow for as long as the power remains active, albeit not as brightly as when its power is activated. For a young holder, that tomoe will lose its color afterwards to indicate that the power was already used up.


The effects of Longg's Wind Dragon, Water Dragon, and Lightning Dragon are unknown, but they would most certainly be unconstrained and results in some kind of catastrophe. It could be possible that Wind Dragon could cause tornadoes and hurricanes, Water Dragon could cause tsunamis and floods, and Lightning Dragon could cause severe lightning storms.


As seen in "Ephemeral", these powers cannot be used to infiltrate a place that is air tight, such as Moolak's flying safe. Thus implying that every element has a weakness, like if you expose Lightning Dragon to water then it might hurt the Dragon Miraculous holder in some type of way.

As seen in "Ikari Gozen", since the user has three different powers to choose from, they could end up choosing the wrong power by mistake if they don't know what their allies are planning so they may have to listen and/or think first, before they act.

Resistance can cancel out the effects if the Wind, Water, and Lighting are used for attacking.

In "Miraculous Paris", it is revealed that using the special superpower uses vital energy from the Kwami, but also from the miraculous holder. It's one thing for an adult holder, but for an underage holder, who is less physically and mentally capable of handling the strain, there is a security system in place that limits them to only using their special power once and causes them to detransform before it becomes dangerous. However, using the Miraculous for evil overrides the limiter, allowing an underage holder to use their powers to their full potential. As previously stated, a younger holder cannot handle the strain; dark veins of corruption will gradually spread across their body, and they will inevitably be destroyed.


Episode Summoner Power Reason Image
"Ikari Gozen" Ryuko Wind Dragon Used to transform into a cloud of air to escape from inside Ikari Gozen. Ikari Gozen 385
Water Dragon Used to transform into a massive amount of water inside Ikari Gozen to trigger Ladybug's bath bombs, giving the villain indigestion. Ikari Gozen 439
"Heart Hunter" Wind Dragon Used to transform into a cloud of air to evade Heart Hunter's blasts. Heart Hunter (390)
"Miracle Queen" Dragon Bug Water Dragon Used to create a force field of water to protect herself and Cat Noir from Miracle Queen and her wasps. Miracle Queen 206

Episode Summoner Power Reason Image
"Mega Leech" Ryuko Wind Dragon Used to gather up all of the akumas and amoks that Polymouse released from the mini Malediktators, allowing Ladybug to capture them all at once. Mega Leech 410
"Ephemeral" Used to try to get into Moolak's safe. Ephemeral (24)
Lightning Dragon Used to return to her fellow heroes' location after failing to infiltrate Moolak's safe. Ephemeral (27)
"Kuro Neko" Unknown The summoning and battle weren't seen but it was probably used due to Ryuko's five minute time to detransform back. No Screenshot
"Strikeback" Wind Dragon Used to generate a strong wind that was capable of protecting the French Miraculous superhero team from an incoming Ferris wheel that Strikeback threw at them. Strikeback 150

Episode Summoner Power Reason Image
"Evolution" Monarch Wind Dragon Used twice, both to escape Ladybug and Cat Noir when they captured him. Evolution (145)
Evolution (519)
"Passion" Safari Unknown Monarch transfered for use to try to get the Ladybug and Cat Noir Miraculouses, but never used. Passion 200
"Perfection" Ryukomori Lightning Dragon Used twice, once to hit a helicopter that was flying too close to her and the second time to try to hit Ladybug and Cat Noir. Perfection 333
Perfection 358
Wind Dragon Used to wreak havoc on Paris after being enraged upon seeing Japanese writing formed by a bunch of cars. Perfection 353

Episode Summoner Power Reason Image
TBA TBA TBA TBA No Screenshot

Episode Summoner Power Reason Image
"Determination" Ryuko wax statue Water Dragon Used to battle Aquabug and Aqua Noir in the Seine. No Screenshot
"Conformation" and "Re-creation" Miraculized Unknown The Miraculized were able to use the powers channeled by Monarch after detecting Ladybug and Cat Noir's quantum aura, but they didn't use Wind, Water, or Lightning Dragon. Conformation 430





  • In Asian folklore, dragons are associated with storms, fitting this power of water, wind, and lightning.
  • The power emblem is a mitsudomoe, a symbol of three comma-like shapes called Tomoe.
    • The symbol of the Tsurugi brand, the brand owned by Kagami's (Ryuko's) mother Tomoe is also a mitsudomoe.
  • Water Dragon is similar to Syren using her ability to flood Paris, although on a much smaller scale.
  • In the game Miraculous Ladybug & Cat Noir, initially the only power that the player has to collect was Water Dragon (known as "Water Powers"). However, it was changed so the player must collect only Wind Dragon (known as "Wind Powers") in a later update.
    • As of a more recent update, the power the player must collect switches between Water Dragon and Wind Dragon at random.


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ve Superpowers
Primary Superpowers
AmokizationBurrowCataclysmCloutFetchGenesisGiftKamikotizationLiberationLucky CharmMirageMultitudeResistanceSecond ChanceShell-terSublimationUproarVenomVoyageWind Dragon, Water Dragon, Lightning Dragon
Secondary Superpowers
De-evilizationEmpathyMagical CharmsMessage TransmissionMiraculous Ladybug
Unification Superpowers
UnificationUltimate Miraculous Absolute Power