Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie universe information This article is about Émilie Agreste/Movie from Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie and any information in it exclusively follows the movie continuity. For information from the main show continuity, please visit this page. |
Émilie Agreste was a posthumous character of "Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie". She was the wife of Gabriel Agreste and the mother of Adrien Agreste.
Physical appearance[]
Émilie is a thin and fair skinned woman with golden blonde hair which she keeps in a wavy ponytail unlike the series she has turquoise eyes instead of green like in series. She has a small noise, thin lips, thin eyebrows and upturned eyes .
Civilian attire[]
She wears a simple white dress with the skirt reaching to her ankles and white flats. Sometimes, She wore a black shirt and beige coloured pants. As a corpse, she wears the same attire except she has the Peacock Miraculous around her neck.
Much of Émilie's personality was unknown, but from the information given, she was depicted as a devoted wife and mother.
Like her original counterpart she was actress but a different kind a theater actress.
Adrien Agreste[]
Like her original counterpart, Émilie loved her son very much.
Gabriel Agreste[]
She and Gabriel met when they were kids and as they grew up they fell in love calling one another "each other's everything two halves made whole". They both shared in great joy when Adrien came into the world but when Émilie passed away both were devastated and also apart of the reason why Gabriel descended into darkness trying to get Émilie back was because he believed she was the better parent than he was.
- Émilie was a theater actress in the movie, while in the show, she was a movie actress.
- Émilie had blue eyes in the film, but in the show she has green eyes. Despite this, she is still displayed with green eyes on the painting in Gabriel's atelie, due to the asset being recycled from the show.
- Her voice was in a lower register, but in the show it's higher.
- In the series, Émilie has a twin sister, Amélie, and a nephew, Félix. Since the plot of the feature-length film is set in a separate universe, it is unknown whether sister and nephew also exist there, and if like their canon counterparts their names are Amélie and Félix.
- It is unknown whether she was a friend of Nathalie or the mayor.
- She met Gabriel for the first time as a child, while in the series, she met him as an adult.
- It is unknown whether she comes from a noble family or has English heritage, like her show counterpart.
- Unlike her original counterpart she has been dead for 10 years, whereas in the series she was for less than a year.
- Her original counterpart died when the affliction of using a damaged Peacock Miraculous caught up with her, while a deleted scene of the movie states that the Miraculous "cursed her".
- Unlike in the show, where she "disappeared", in the movie, Adrien saw her deathbed.